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Family Journey

To strengthen couples as the cornerstone of a family and to build up family members as life companions.





The 3F’s program: Better Family, Better Finance, Better Fitness.

This program is adopted from our partner Family First Malaysia. 

Contact us for more information.




  1. Noble Family Vision

  2. Strengthening Marriages

  3. Role of Husband

  4. Role of Wife

  5. Intimacy

  6. ​Parenting

Glass Buildings



  1. Financial Stewardship

  2. God's Purpose for money

  3. Managing Money as a Couple

  4. ​Financial Freedom

Running Pair



  1. Cultivating Positive Personal Habits

  2. ​Age Gracefully

"Fun Family T E A M"

Date: Aug 17-18, 2019

Location: the YMCA of HK Beacon Centre Lifelong Learning Institute and The Salisbury Hotel



Ex-Board members Anthony and Lillian Yau co-hosted an overnight camp titled “Fun Family TEAM" with the YMCA of HK in Aug 2019. The camp was designed by a group of counsellors 

and social workers based on a combination of materials from the books “Be a Better Dad Today” “Be the Best Mom You Can Be” “Maximum Marriage” by Hon. Gregory Slayton, and “The Five love languages” by Gary Chapman as well as other counselling elements.

Click here to buy the books:


The slogan of the overnight camp was: "Family is your safe haven; Family members are companions of your life journey.”  Through a series of fun, interactive, and experiential activities, each participating family would embark on a journey to define their family vision and learn key elements foundational to building a strong family. 


There were fun activities for the entire family but to optimise experiential learning which was the main feature of this camp, there were also separate sessions for couples and children.


The experiential learning for couples covered topics like “Love Refuelling Stations”, “Five Love Expressions”, “Building Positive Communication Pattern”, and “Dance with Love”. Many participants commented afterwards that they had a memorable time in “Dance with Love” when they learned the interactive roles of husbands and wives through ballroom dancing. 


Whilst the couples explored foundations of building a stronger marriage, children learned similar topics separately through games and activities specifically designed for their experiential learning. To accentuate the importance of gratitudes, children were given the opportunity to make creative snacks and gifts to honor their parents. The epitome of the family spirit was culminated when the children sung a song of appreciation at the closing ceremony.

Father and daughter at computer

Partner with Us

Find out how you can contribute to Family First Hong Kong or contact us for more information! Also, find out more about our partner organisations to make this journey possible.

Glass Buildings
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