As fathers and mothers themselves, our board understands the problems and predicaments that face many families in Hong Kong today. These men and women are committed to serving and strengthening families in Hong Kong & the Greater Bay Area of China.
Dr. George So received a Doctorate in Engineering and a double Masters in Chemical Engineering and Business Administration. He held key management positions in Fortune 500 companies before he founded his own companies in HK to engage and invest in high tech and internet related businesses. He founded an award-winning company in Foshan for incorporating community aesthetic arts innovation in property development. He was personally awarded the “Top Ten Innovative Chinese Economic Figures” by the Global Times and the China-Asian Economic Development Association in Beijing, recognizing his achievement in the Foshan company. He recently founded a technology and knowledge transfer platform in Foshan to help HK start-ups to expand into the Greater Bay Area.
Over the years, he has participated in public services both in China & HK. Recently he was invited by the ex-CE Tung Chi Hwa to be one of the Advisers to “Our HK Foundation,” to recommend strategies to help HK to move forward from the recent turbulences.
Dr. George So is the Honorary President of the Full Gospel Businessman Fellowship, HK. He is the advisor to two Christian NGO’s: the Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor and the Citylab. He is the Board of Trustee to the International Christian School and the Cultural Regeneration Research Society founded by Dr. Thomas Leung Yin Shing.
In 2018, he founded Family First Hong Kong and served as its Chairman of the Board.
Adolf 分别在 曼徹斯特都會大學及香港大學接受法律教育,並於2001年成為香港高等法院律師。他現正在香港執業。
除了是一位律師外,Adolf 同時無償地服務不同的教會及機構。在加入『香港家庭第一』之前,Adolf 是一間地方教會的帶職牧者,與其他教會領袖一同參與牧養及帶領會衆。 他現時同時為香港國際全備福音商人團契的董事及執行副會長。
Adolf 是土生土長的香港人。眼見不少男人錯誤地認為一位父親在家中唯一的責任,就只是提供物質供應來養活家人。事實上,父親的積極參與,對整個家庭的福祉至關重要。他們對家庭的愛、保護及引導,更是不可取替。Adolf 非常高興和榮幸能参與『家庭優先。香港』,也非常能與擁抱相同異象的同工,一起協助男人認清作為父親的命定,並一起活出上帝原先創造男人的模樣。
Ted Lo是一名註冊會計師,擁有多年豐富的會計工作經驗。他也是香港國際全備福音商人團契的活躍成員之一。當初Ted加入『香港家庭優先』董事會的時候,是愛妻Kylie的一位好丈夫。在2020年6月,他和Kylie迎來了家中的優先個寶寶。現在,Ted不僅是一位好丈夫,也是一位以兒子Izaac引以為傲的好爸爸,繼續欣然地在『香港家庭優先』服侍。
Ted自3歲開始在單親家庭中長大, 他從『做個好爸爸』的作者 - 尊敬的Gregory Slayton先生身上學習了許多,倍受他的鼓勵。藉此,Ted相信儘管在破碎的家庭中長大,但他一樣可以建立一個幸福美滿的家庭。
Mrs. Grace So received a First Class Honors in BSc. (Hon) Pharmacy and a Distinction in MSc. Biopharmacy from the London University. Grace qualified as a registered Pharmacist in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong., where she worked as a Pharmacist in hospital, retail and commercial settings before retiring as a full time mother of three.
Vision for FFHK
Grace is married to Mr. George So, the Chairman of FFHK, Together they believe that a healthy and satisfying marriage is the foundation of a strong and happy family. They also believe that it is possible to prevent family breakdowns by:
reconciling family relationships (Family Journey),
resetting concepts on family finances (Stewardship Journey),
rebuilding the separate and yet intertwining roles of husbands and wives in the family (Father's Journey).
FFHK can not do this alone, we are therefore extremely glad to work with our partnering organisations to roll out the three journeys to transform families in HK and beyond,